WealthSpan is a financial advisory firm, licensed to provide personal financial product advice and tax (financial) advice. WealthSpan is privately owned and is not linked to any financial product manufacturer.

WealthSpan has three distinct points of difference: Our three practice Principals each have more than 25 years of wisdom acquired from a history steeped in helping solve financial challenges for clients.

This fuels the development of processes that stimulate innovative solutions; solutions that accommodate the paradox of dealing with today’s financial commitments and tomorrow’s lifestyle desires by using a tried and tested framework that delivers tangible value for our clients.

We guarantee to improve the well-being and endurance of our clients’ finances, enabling them to better live the lifestyle they desire. Our range of solutions attracts clients who are most likely to be of working age, have more family and work commitments than time reasonably allows them to deal with, and they typically come from a business or professional background.

We will appeal to you if you appreciate a no nonsense professional style and the benefits of having an experienced financial advisory team on your side.

It’s just a hunch, but you’ll probably have no interest in being sold products either.  If like us, you value high standards of professional service; personalised to your expectations rather than the ‘assembly line’ approach adopted by most financial planning businesses, explore our website and get in touch for a no-obligation catch-up.
